Embracing perfect imperfection

- by Joanna Draniak-Kicinska

Under eye bags. Terrible? Or maybe a show of strength, after being up late nursing and rocking your fussy baby until she finally fell asleep or working late on your dream project. Sweet victory!

Laugh lines. Terrible? Or a life well lived with laughter and joy.

Skin bumps. Terrible? Or simply sensitive skin.

Scars. Terrible? Or a demonstration of what you are capable of surviving.

We see you.

Have you read any of the numerous articles related to social media and body image? If not, I’ll save you the trouble- social media has a consistently negative effect on body image, especially for teens and young adults. Being the mother of two girls, I am constantly monitoring their social media use, and have concerns about what they might read or come across online.

I know that in the past (especially when I was younger) I only posted pictures where I felt like I looked my best. While I’m no expert on filters or Photoshop, others are. But these posts aren’t reality.

While my team and I can’t fix the internet, we can be a part of the solution. We want to encourage being real and embracing our imperfections. Our newest addition to our collection helps to soothe imperfections, while embracing your perfectly imperfect self.

Our new product joins us on October 25th. Once released, we will be holding sales to get this product into your hands.

We are encouraging our friends to love and embrace their tired but fulfilled eyes, their victory scars, their bumps and lines and show this to the world! We see you rockstar!

We are thrilled to be launching a fundraising campaign on the very day of the new product launch, so please visit our blog on October 25th to find out the details and join us in loving all bodies!

{save} the real you. A perfect imperfection.



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